welcome to my ramblings to the dirt & sky
i’m glad you stopped by. i have a lot of feelings & a lot of things to say. i write a lot of love letters to my younger self, to my grief, to my rage, to our collective need for softness. i have big feelings about the state of the world & my role in it. i am taking up my space as an artist & writer. here, i want to connect through my writing, through my musings on the world, & the ways we are all part of it. i will write about my spirituality, my healing, and how that brings me closer to the ways we are all truly connected. i am delighted by the unseen, fascinated with the human condition, enthralled with our connection to it all. this will be weird; let’s get messy.
about me
hi, my name is leon, i use they/them pronouns. i am a white trans queer writer, living, loving, & healing on unceded arapahoe, ute, cheyenne, & sioux land. i am here for community care, slow living, & being vulnerable with my heart.